edoced_46esabedoced_46esab Healthy Eating | Kardenas Kitchen - Part 4

‘Healthy Eating’ Archive

Shed fat with this super easy, healthy and fast breakfast!

There are some days that I find myself rushing around in the morning to get ready and I still have to make my breakfast before I run out the door. I always make my breakfast, no excuses. Sometimes I have to make it super fast so I’m not late to train my wonderful clients at […]

How to soak and sprout seeds and nuts for beginners

I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend. I certainly did. It was our anniversary weekend and we celebrated it in San Diego! I have received some questions about soaking and sprouting nuts and seeds because I have some recipes in my “easy veggie meal plans” that call for soaked and sprouted seeds. Soaking […]

Veggie Lessons I Learned From My Dad

When I grew up I lived with Mom and unfortunately, I ate a terrible diet. From pizza to burgers and every junk food in between, I ate it on an almost daily basis. But my body, health, and complexion suffered as you can see in this embarrassing photo of me. So for years I struggled […]