edoced_46esabedoced_46esab Kardena Pauza | Kardenas Kitchen - Part 2

‘Kardena Pauza’ Archive

Camping in the Desert

Hi Everyone, We survived our desert camp out and the coyotes! Just kidding… My husband and I enjoy many different activities and one of them is camping.  It could be camping in the mountains, or over looking the beach or camping in the desert.  This time we chose the Mojave desert where I was born. […]

Craig Ballantyne’s Vegetarian Diet Needs Help!

Fat loss expert and writer for Men’s Health and Oxygen magazines, Craig Ballantyne recently designed his very own vegetarian diet meal plan. The task seemed simple enough to him, but when he came down to visit me in California, I had to set him straight on a few things about his vegetarian nutrition meal plan! […]

Welcome to Kardena’s Kitchen & Vegetarian Lifestyle!

Hi! My name is Kardena Pauza, and I’d like to welcome you to my blog, KardenasKitchen.com. This site is dedicated to helping you live the vegetarian and green lifestyle. Not only will you learn how to eat without meat, but you’ll also find out how to help the environment through everyday simple changes you can […]